15 Quarantine Date Night Ideas for You + Your Partner


by Tiffany Walking Eagle | 4-minute read

This whole #socialdistancing life can get old really quick. It’s easy and totally normal to start feeling stir crazy in your house, and you may even start feeling a bit distant from your partner.

My husband and I were starting to get tired of the same old thing every evening. Every day after dinner, we’d plop on the couch to watch TV. We try to switch things up by getting outside when the weather is nice, but I really think to survive this quarantine, we’re going to have to get creative.

I don’t think we need to sacrifice connection with our spouses/partners right now just because we’re stuck inside! Give these ideas a try; there should be a little something for everyone. :)

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  1. Put together a game night where each of you picks a favorite game.

    Whether it’s a board game, card game, video game, or whatever, each of you pick a game that you want to play and have a game night. Bonus points if your partner has never played before!

  2. Pamper each other with a spa night.

    Dim the lights. Light some candles. Put on some relaxing tunes and bust out some lotion or massage oil. Set a timer and give each other a massage. Lord knows you both probably need it during this stressful time!

  3. Have a themed tasting! (Wine, chocolates, ice cream, cheeses, whiskey….etc.)

    Spice up your weekend (or any day because the days are starting to blend together) with a tasting! Put together flights of different types of your favorite food or beverage. Come up with some delicious pairings too!

    Related: 12 Date Ideas for Couples on a Budget

  4. Do a blind taste-test with unique foods picked by each of you.

    Each of you pick 5 unique food or drink items and keep them hidden from each other. Blindfold the taster and have them guess what they’re tasting. Whoever gets the most right wins a prize!

  5. Pick a geographical, travel-inspired theme for home-cooked dinner and a movie.

    Have somewhere you or your spouse has always wanted to travel? Italy, France, Thailand? Make the entire night themed for that place. Google a regional recipe to make together and find a movie that fits with the theme.

  6. Battle to the death! (Just kidding, just with Nerf guns or something.)

    Either of you competitive or athletic? Have a Nerf war, water balloon fight, wrestling match, chess match…whatever your thing is, fight it out!

  7. Get dressed to the nines and have a candle-lit dinner together.

    Let’s be honest, the daily parade of sweats and yoga pants gets boring after a while. So even though you’ll just be eating in your home, get dressed and ready like you’re going on a date to the fanciest place in town, and have a candle-lit dinner together.

  8. Work on those home projects you’ve been putting off together.

    What better time than the quarantine to tackle home projects together? Just try to keep things light and fun—we all know how quickly something like this could descend into an argument. So tread with caution, and only do this if you and your partner work well together.

    Related post: 6 Awesome Game Apps to Play Games with Friends via Video Chat During the Quarantine

  9. Have a cook-off or bake-off.

    If you guys love to cook or bake, satisfy your competitive side by baking or cooking your favorite meals. Have kids? Have them be the judges! Otherwise, just have fun with it and enjoy some homecooked food together.

  10. Book lovers? Read a book together.

    Take turns picking your favorite books to read, and make a date night out of reading through a few chapters together. Snuggle together under a blanket with a cup of tea or glass of wine.

  11. Do a homemade pizza night.

    Get creative and turn your kitchen into a pizzeria for a night. Try a variety of ingredients to come up with your own tasty topping combinations, and maybe even give dessert pizza a whirl?

  12. Try a no-screens, power outage, candle-lit date night.

    NO TECHNOLOGY ALLOWED! Turn out all the lights, light some candles, and put away your cell phones. Spend time giving your spouse your undivided attention by talking and reconnecting minus all the screens.

  13. Camp out in your backyard.

    Set up camp in your backyard when the weather is nice. Tell each other scary stories or sing campfire songs together!

  14. Put together a scavenger hunt that would make Leslie Knope proud.

    If you’re a fan of Parks and Rec, you know of the elaborate scavenger hunts Leslie put together to send Ben on a wild goose chase. Make a fun night out of it by hiding gifts and trinkets or clues around your house, and have your spouse hunt for them. Google “indoor scavenger hunt” for ideas!

  15. Take online/video dance lessons together.

    I’ve been seeing ads everywhere for this Show Her Off living room dancing lessons, and they look really fun. Full disclosure, I have not tried it and I am in no way affiliated with them. (If I do try them, I’ll update this post.) For a no-cost option, hit up Youtube and search “couple dance lesson” for some dances to try together.

If you give any of these ideas a try, leave me a comment below and let me know how it went! Stay well and as always, thanks for reading. <3

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